Is it worth buying skins for hero in Mobile Legends Bang Bang? - Explore Online Tips


Wednesday 27 May 2020

Is it worth buying skins for hero in Mobile Legends Bang Bang?

Skins in Mobile Legends give small buffs like +8 attacks, +100hp etc so is it worth buying the skins? the answer is, it really depends on what you are buying it for?

If you are buying the skins believing it will get you some sweet VICTORY, you are going get yourself hurt. The small buffs that those skins gives has little to no effect on you winning . In the end, Skill wins not skins. That is why we have a saying something similar to this, "All skin but zero skills"

But is it completely useless? Not really, the chance of the skin motivating you and making you play more, making you better is not zero.

I don't know about you but seeing epic skin on my opponents sends chill down my spine. Expensive and good epic skins can intimidate the shit out of your opponents during the loading screen, if they don't think they can beat you, they won't be able to. Mobile legends like any game is half skills and half mindset. 

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